FreeMakan Brings Joy And Relief To B40 Families At Taman Kelana Jaya

FreeMakan Brings Joy And Relief To B40 Families At Taman Kelana Jaya
FreeMakan Brings Joy And Relief To B40 Families At Taman Kelana Jaya

FreeMakan Brings Joy And Relief To B40 Families At Taman Kelana Jaya

FreeMakan’s partnerships with NGOs, organisations and social workers has allowed us to reach communities in need, across Malaysia.

Social worker Ms Vasanthi reached out to us for food aid to help ease the struggles of B40 families at Taman Kelana Jaya. Thanks to our friends over at Lalamove, FreeMakan was able to provide grocery packs to 14 families on July 19th.

They were filled with gratitude and relief, knowing they will have supplies to last their families at least a few weeks.


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